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There are two primary means of balancing the load across a
cluster: "session-sensitive" and "true" load balancing.
Session-sensitive load balancing occurs when a visitor is initially
load-balanced to a particular server based upon traffic at that
particular moment, then remains on that server for the duration of
his or her session - even if another server in the cluster
eventually carries a lighter load (see Figure 1). True load
balancing occurs when, at any time during the session, a visitor may
be receiving files from any server in the cluster. This has the
advantage of balancing the load actively, using all servers in the
cluster at all times for all visitors (see Figure 2).
Figure: 1 Session-sensitive
load balancing |
Figure: 2 True load balancing
ClusterCATS, as well as other clustering technologies, can
function in both the true and session-sensitive modes I've
described. With ClusterCATS it's as easy as changing one checkbox.
Some of you may disagree with my use of the somewhat biased term
true load balancing. Your own experience may be that
session-sensitive load balancing is just as good a choice when it
comes to ease of use and performance.
I agree with you, up to a point: with a high-volume site, a
session-sensitive clustering configuration might "all average out"
and provide good performance for all the users. At any given moment
a few servers may actually have more load than others, because more
users have started a session and remained on a particular server
longer. However, with a great many users, it might balance out in
the end, without any noticeable performance issues. But there's no
The Problem with Session-Scoped Variables in the Cluster
The heart of the problem is this: with each shift to a different
server in a cluster, CF session variables are "lost." For example,
if I log in to your application or Web site and end up on server
www1 and you have set a session variable called "Session.
IsLoggedIn" to keep track of me, that variable will be stored in the
memory of the server www1. Since there's no central memory
repository available to CF, if at any time during my session I'm
load-balanced to server www2, that session variable will be lost
because it doesn't exist in the memory of server www2.
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